Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Will Keeping it Real Go Wrong for Biden... Again?

Honestly, I had to laugh when I saw this headline:

Biden Warns Romney Policies Would Put Crowd ‘Back in Chains’

I think it's pretty funny, but with all of the horrible and untrue things that gets said in todays political discourse, an overeaction is expected, but Romney's response kind of comes across as they only said something because it was expected of them:

Andrea Saul, Mr. Romney’s press secretary, said in a statement. “The comments made by the vice president of the United States are not acceptable in our political discourse and demonstrate yet again that the Obama campaign will say and do anything to win this election. President Obama should tell the American people whether he agrees with Joe Biden’s comments.”

Since When is it an Entitlement to Spend My Own Money

This is an interesting article, not really examining Romney's VP pick and the effect on entitlements, but more an examination of how the word has changed over the years.
What really gets me is why exactly Social Security considered an entitlement. It's not like I'm asking the government for free money, just for the money I paid into it. And the odds I'll ever see that money again when I retire 35 years from now..
Bernie Madoff went to jail for doiong the exact same thing, only I guess it's worse when rich people are screwed.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hilary Clinton Dirty Dancing?

Well I haven't posted in forever, because well... I have better things to do

But this was too awesome to not share

Hillary Clinton Boogies Down In South Africa

Saturday, January 14, 2012

If He Could Only Do That 313 Million More Times

Yes there are approximately 313 Million people in the US (I rounded up). And if Romney thinks handing cash to one poor woman will win him the presidency, he is way off.
Romney Gives Cash to Woman in Need
Yes it makes him look slightly less douchey, but winning would take him giving away way more cash than say approximately $75  to one out of the millions in this country, who have faced hardships since the economic crisis.
Perhaps instead of throwing out money from his own wallet, he could say.. try not to make offensive comments, like you're worried about income inequality because you're jealous. Or say things like "I like firing people" whether they're insurance companies, or just regular Joes. Or he could just fire his whole staff and hire new one's that know how to write a speech that doesn't include him reciting America The Beautiful.

If Mary Is My Homegirl, And Ron Paul Is My Homeboy, What Does That Make Jesus?

Well it's Sat night, and I'm actually a bit too tipsy to be writing, but what the hell.

“Ron Paul Is My Homeboy”

I mostly liked this article because I thought just about everyone forgot about those "Jesus Is My Homeboy" T-shirts that were unfortunately popular a decade ago (I blame it on Y2K).
Yet I find this article to be way too simplistic (yes even in my highly inebriated state of mind). The article does not really go into what the effect might be for Obama who previously was able to yield the youth vote and gain victory. Does Ron Paul have enough of the youth to make a major dent if he were to decide to run as an independent (a la Nader).
Also this article hasn't really gone into why Paul has so much of the youth in his corner. It alludes to some of it (his plan to legalize marijuana), but it doesn't really go into his conservatism and why it would appeal to the youth.
As a somewhat youth myself I would hazard a guess that most of his supporters don't really know where he stands on a lot of issues, due to his lack of media coverage until his recent surge.
The slate article has this quote from a political scientist (whatever that means): For Paul supporters, “it’s not really about political views, it’s about knowledge,” says Dan Cassino, a political scientist at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Supporters tend to talk about the congressman as a would-be educator-in-chief."

Not really something you'd expect to hear about someone who doesn't believe in evolution or global warming.  Libertarianism can often be found in between extreme conservatism and extreme liberalism, but Ron Paul, both an extreme conservative and extreme liberal has put himself in such a corner that not even the Republicans would do anything with him.
The question is why does this appeal to the youth vote? Well his foreign policy probably makes sense to kids who have seen this country at war for over ten years, and that's not even counting the war on drugs which has wasted way more money and has lasted far longer.
Perhaps the other candidates (Romney) should figure out what it is about Paul that appeals to the youth and try to copy it. It's not like he's never changed positions before and, personally I think it would be the only way the Republicans would beat Obama at this point.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Have Your Drank Mouse Lately?

Well over the holidays, Michelle Bachman dropped out of the race and no one cared, Santorum became the new Republican front runner, and no one cared.
Oh and according to Pepsi, you could be drinking mouse.
Pepsi Says Mountain Dew Can Dissolve Mouse Carcasses
You can't possible have found a mouse in Mountain Dew, because it would have dissolved the carcass.. really? That's the best defense they came up with?