Gingrich Says Obama Must Have “Cognitive Dissonance” About Plight of African-American Community
Even if you ignore the false and offensive statement that poor children need to learn how to work, presumably because if they're poor, they must never have seen anyone work before. And even if you ignore the assumption that rich white kids need to focus on their academic studies, while poor black kids should clean bathrooms instead of studying, you're left with this nonsensical plan that Gingrich has proposed.
Have poor kids make money, by having the school pay them to clean bathrooms. Many a year ago, I've been to a few schools in poor neighborhoods, and from what I remember is that there was a severe lack of funding.
If there's barely enough money for qualified teachers, no money for textbooks, and certainly no money for field trips and any other activities that might lead to increased interest in learning, where are these schools supposed to get money to pay all these kids for cleaning the schools.
Unless Gingrich is proposing some kind of internship (or indentured servitude) this plan makes little sense. Republicans have been all about cutting spending, so he can't possibly be planning to raise taxes to send money to poor innercity schools..
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